About Me

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Quick Job--VULGAR

January 14, 2009

"Sweetie, can you get me a rag please?" I was sitting on the toilet.
"They're all dirty." Bart replied. He only owns 3 hand cloths: 1 square, 1 rectangle, and 1 kitchen.
"Then how bout a couple of sheets of paper towels?" I paused, then added "Wet please."
"Sure, why?” Bart wondered out loud.
"Cause I want to clean my dried-up bloody coochie hairs."


  1. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I just kept repeating, "Bart is a saint. Bart is a saint. Bart is a saint...".

  4. There's has to be a special spot in heaven for Bart, that's for sure.

  5. Wow. Can I get you a razor, perhaps?

  6. On behalf of the former resident of the burgundy bend, I want to thank you for sharing your thoughts and stories as you weather this difficult and trying period in your life.

    But "dried-up coochie hairs?" That's NASTY.

  7. I can't tell you how much I enjoy and appreciate your writings. I want your voice to echo through the canyons. Yes, 'Quick Job' was a bit nas-T, but hey who hasn't thought of worse. 'Keep on truckin!', and jump those speed bumps. GodSpeed.
