About Me

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Perverted Phone Survey

"Hello. Who's this?
Sure. Why not. Anything to help out your census.

Almost every day. Sometimes I take a day or 2 off though.
And I'm not interested during the heavy days at all.

My best time has been clocked-in at 3 minutes.
I can go as long as 22, but 15 is about average.

The 2nd one comes right away. Within 1 or 2 after the 1st.
However, the 3rd one takes longer than the 2nd,
but not as long as the 1st.

Well, usually 3 before work, unless I'm running late.
I allow about 15-20, but sometimes I only have 5 to spare.
But I've been known to have 2 in 5, and 3 in 6 or 7.
But if I go for 6 or 7, I have to make up time. You know, like cut something out, so I usually eat in the car on my way to work.

When I'm off from work, 6 is usually the number.
Sometimes I'll have 3, take a 2 or 3 hour break,
then go for another 3.
Or 6 in 1 setting, but not usually.

Best time is right after a shower.
Late afternoon is a good time too.

Alright. Glad to help. Thank you.

What? No I am not playing with myself. What am I wearing? No, that's disgusting. No! Who is this again?"

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