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Thursday, December 18, 2008

mind games

I lay, staring at the ceiling, the fan goes round and round. my eyes are blood shot. i hardly blink. i cant stop the noise. it just gets louder and louder. and the pain gets worse. i'm losing my mind. emotions stir up. anger. tears. screams. helplessness. fears. the phone rings. i don't answer. my mind has left my body. i have no will. i just want to sleep. drink. depression has set in. I want to wake up to something better, something better than this.

I lay, with the view of the ceiling and my mind wonders again. This time, I hear music in the background. Not in my head, but in the next room. A piano. Bart is playing soft, romantic music. And It's beautiful. like the music you hear in the background of a movie when you are watching a romantic serious movie. and here i go again, I put myself in another movie and play another part. this time, a love story. i'm still the main character. it's somewhere in time.

diversified deb
do you know the two?

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