About Me

Thursday, December 18, 2008

downer update

The same, in pain. it hurts when i try to move to another position. It sucks to be able to have only 2 positions: sit on butt, lay on butt. No side, no stomach, no stand, no walk, no stretch, just little movement. Bend leg a little to prop up on pillow. pick leg up gently to move ass to other side of bed. sit to eat. use wall as a chair back. can't make it to the edge, stuff pillow in between for comfort. not comfortable. remove pillow, start again. put 2 pillows there, now 3. not working. butt is not comfortable. use another position. try side. NOPE. Pain. Pain, PAIN! Move to non pain position, quickly as possible. take pain medicine. too early, should wait another hour, but don't. Close enough. stay until meds kick in. get in laying position on back, take another nap while waiting to feel better. cycle repeats 3 to 4 times a day or so.

Today I was feeling a little sad and depressed, getting a little claustrophobic in these 4 walls. but I realized that i forgot to take my caffeine kick. So at 8pm tonight, I took my regular dose of adderall, I don't mind staying up late, it's not like I have anything else better to do. got no where to go. And now I feel much better. maybe I'll be more productive in my email contacts and organizing/downloading my pictures. I got to remember to take myadderall everyday with all the pain killers I'm taking so I won't get so down and out.

My job is worried that I may be suing them. workman's comp did their phone investigation today.

"May I record our conversation?...were you drinking before the accident?...do you take drugs?...what kind of medication do you take?.. we need you to release a written statement so we can view your medical and mental history..." Okay -------s, we got her. she takes antidepressants. if she sues you, we'll claim she is unstable. we'll rip her to pieces on the stand.

But I may have a case also: "Ladder may have not been stable as well. Yes,Judge, the Ladder was unstable, just as much as my employers claim that I'm unstable. The ladder flap, you know, the part of the ladder where you place the paint bucket or a lite bulb there, well, that part of the ladder is and was broken at the time of the accident. And sometimes the Ladder gives you trouble when you try to open it in an A position. Yea, Ladder gives a little back talk, a struggle. you have to play with it, tease it a little. And like I've stated before, in front of you and my fellow email friends, I've been climbing ladders for years. At work, At home, 3 times a day, 10 times a day. Never gotten hurt from a ladder, never fell from a ladder. It's a hobby! And I'm a real natural!"

I know they are just covering their ass and it's procedure. I don't plan to sue, i just want my life/hip back asap without any complications.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to go to the doctor. they want to know which orthopedic doc i want to go to?? i don't know, just someone who is good and specializes in pelvic and wrist fractures. someone who can see me asap, and someone who is empathetic to my situation and knows his shit. Not like the bs er ej dr & staff that i experienced when it first happened. I guess i'll be going in some sort of ambulance or car service in order to get to the doc?

downer deb


  1. You're not a downer, Deb. However, I feel like I'm reading a Virginia Woolf novel with all this streaming of consciousness.

    Do you want anything to read while you're hyped up on your dolls? May I suggest watching the movie Valley of the Dolls? Let me know.

    Carlos :-)

  2. http://sadtrombone.com

    Oh lord Debbie, I feel for ya. I remember when I broke my collarbone and tore the ligament in my leg. 2 days later I tried to walk to to the bathroom and it took me about 45 minutes. Babysteps, indeed.

    I TOTALLY just pulled an Oprah there, it's all about you this time Deb.

    Feel better!

    (I gotta get back to work!)
