About Me

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tango Twist

The schedule was tight for leisure. The booking agent scheduled Cate 10 straight days of gigs in Buenos Aires. Cate had studied Tango there before with the famous Norma and it was great to see her old friends again upon her return. Her acts included:

See You Manana

The Player

Dancing with the Ghost

The acts were successful, and received raving reviews. Cate was networking for future gigs. Life was great, until one dark night when she disappeared.

* * *

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Not Licensed
Not Insured

No Tools
No Accountability

That's fair.

I charge you for materials only, but slide tool receipts in there too. I'll get the wrong materials and charge you for returning them to get more of the wrong materials. I'll do this for months, keeping it real, putting in the hard hours, while you're working or healing from an injury. I'll go as long as I can go with this cushioned job.

"Shawn, how much would you charge to fix this 2ft x 5ft floor?" The client asked the "skilled" carpenter.
"Well, that's a 2 man job, I can ask my friend to help. He charges $15/hour, but he comes with his own tools." Shawn said.
"Well what kind of tools you need? A hammer and nails?"
"Yea" He replied.

The work you get is just SUPERB!

- Caulk on counter tops.

- Human hair stained into hardwood floors. Plus polyurethane spills in corners.

- A-line grout between slate pieces. Plus visible glue and missing grout.

-Sheetrock octagon arches.

- Plus Much More!

Once I get found out, I take no responsibility. No apologies, I just cover up and make excuses: "It's not my expertise."

Call Shawn or Reynolds
You can facebook me too!

I'm hot and I'm an actor.

I'll make you believe I can do good work on your house.

Crushed - Even in Dreams

The red head guy from "Go" spoke to the man in charge about me auditioning to become one of the dancers. The man in charge said he would allow me only 2 auditions. The red head guy knew that 4 was the number for me to win the judges over. The red head guy flipped out some money from a briefcase to buy another 2. They discussed more. And I was waiting for the answer, but I knew the answer would be no.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Dog in Therapy

It was summer and I was 16. My friend, Kristi, recommended the movie "I Spit On Your Grave" to rent at the local video store. A rated R movie, it sounded interesting. We watched most of it, but my Dad came home early from work. The movie was in the vcr and I couldn't get it out in time enough. Dad said he would watch it with us, not knowing what the movie was about. I tried to lie about the movie, but I wasn't skilled enough. Got blue marks from the belt.

I wonder what Msh's cool city parents would have done?

I grew up with religion country-bumpkin hick-folks where fixing a dog or cat meant they were broken. Dad didn't believe in fences in the yard cause our dogs wouldn't have the freedom to roam around and dig into the neighbors' garbage.

We were treated like dogs growing up, but our dogs were free.